Yes, even igloo building can have a lesson for us network marketers.
A few weeks ago, we decided to build an igloo. It was lots of fun, a great learning experience and actually not too cold to sleep in - as long as you had TWO sleeping bags per person.
Here are a few pictures of the finished igloo:
Now, when we decided to build this igloo, the climate was right, snow seemed like it would be around forever. But, even in Wisconsin, warmer weather does come and the sun can do irrepairable damage to a snow-built building.
Less than a week after building our igloo, it lay in ruins. Many network marketers face a similar challenge when building a business - things look great, timing seems right, and the product is awesome. But then, the climate changes. Snow no longer makes the perfect building material and the hard working networker watches all his hard work simply 'melt' and disappear!
How can you be sure this won't happen to you?
Make very sure that you are in a 5 Pillar company. If you don't, all your careful labor may be wasted.
No matter HOW carefully we had built our igloo, it would never have lasted after the temperature got above freezing.
No matter HOW carefully you build your business, if your company's policies and procedures has a termination clause, or if you have to renew each year, you could lose all your hard work as quickly as we lost our igloo.
To learn more about the 5 pillars you want to have in place in your network marketing business, you can read my ehow article How to Use the 5 Pillars to Identify a Good MLM From a Scam and read Michael Dlouhy's free ebook, 'Success in 10 Steps'.
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